Friday, June 26, 2020

Understanding stress, depression, anxiety, and self-care...

®    What is stress?
Stress is a feeling of being over whelmed, worrying about tasks or stressing about a situation. Stress can occur when you do exercises or exams it can motivate us to complete tasks faster, but it can affect us as well as our attitude and lifestyle if you have too much stress.
10 New Strategies for Stress Management | Psychology Today
  • Signs of stress or stress can include increased heart rate ( raped heartbeat ), difficulty breathing and Sweating.
®    What is a depression sign?
Everyone has experienced and experienced sadness and disappointment, but depression comes when those feelings are overwhelming and persistent.
*      Symptoms of depression include
-          Feeling sad everyday
-          Losing interest in happy activities
-          Difficulty sleeping or excessive sleep
-          Fatigue or loss of energy
-          Have thoughts of suicide or feel that life is worthless
-          Difficult to make decisions
-          Change eating preferences ( eat more or not at all )
Many of stressful events can be the cause of depression, but there are other factors, such as family history, social factors, psychological factors and psychological abilities that can cause depression.


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