Sunday, June 28, 2020

How to setting goals in the future.

I.  Key elements in goal setting

Writing specific goals can be easy. The hardest part to overcome is planning how to reach the goal and when you do that we need to focus on the specific goals and objective that are in line with your plan. However, the path you have to take is still subject to some adjustments, depending on the evolving resources, the situation at stake.

Setting Goals

The following are the elements that make it possible for you to plan your goals…

Elements of goals setting
-Is it achievable?
           -What would you do?
           -What will you do to reach your goals?
           -Does it fit your ability?
           -What will you do to stay committed to it?
           -Your resource?

Example: This year I will do my best to get an A.
Goal: This year I will do my best to get an A.

Is it achievable?
What will you do too reach the goals?
-Spend time and try to study.
-Study part time.
-Try to do exercises
Detailed steps and actions?
-Study with teacher and classmates.
-Make a schedule to allocate study time by subject.
Your resources?
-Need calculator to verify answers when doing homework or exercises
discussing with family

II. The key to successful goal setting

  1. Define what you truly love.
You must ask yourself what you love the must in your life. You should follow your heart because when you do what you love to do, you will never tire of doing it or you have no problems.
  1. Write down your goals clearly.
Once you have clearly written your goals, you will see them more clearly and they will appear, meaning that you have created something or more impact.
  1. Set a specific date for your goal.
Get specific dates on your goals: what month? What year? And what you want to achieve, the goal or decision, without a clear choice, is like having no impetus or urgency to achieve the goal, and it is neither realistic at the beginning nor at the end.
  1. Set a list of activities out of your mind or a good way to succeed.
Sometimes when you are traveling, reading a book, and you inspire a good idea, come up with a list of your activities and try to do what you have written. Plus, that list gives you a glimpse of the big picture from your destination, and it's tailored to what your plan wants.
  1. Make a list of those activities to plan.
Make a list of activities, taking priority, and sequentially, taking a few minutes to decide which ones to follow, and which one next. With coding that will clearly plan your activities, yes! you will be more motivated to do the job than you would without a clear goal.
  1. Start acting immediately.
You won't get everything if you have on action, Acting is the path to your goal. When you do the action you with encounter some problems, then you have a way to find strategies. To cultivate without changing the direction of your purpose.

III.  Barriers to goal setting

In setting goals, you with encounter some of the following'…
-          Abandonment persists in the face of obstacles during the course of action.
-          Can't achieve it because of setting too many goals.
-          Target time does not look at resources causing performance problems.
-          Not to value failure to learn it in later goals.
-          The goals set are negative.
-          Lack of encouragement or support in the face of obstacles.