Monday, May 17, 2021

Essay topic: It is said that musicians and artists are less valued by today's society than scientists and technology experts.

       Do you think that artists like writers, musicians and painters are valuable to society? The artist is the custodian of the nation's cultural heritage. They define how nations think and act and keep it the same. There are three reasons musicians and painters are valuable to society.

 The main reason is musicians connect people from diverse backgrounds and different ages through music, there’s nothing quite like a song to capture what was going on culturally at that time, and like a time capsule, it’s captured for eternity. The slang and language usage are so indicative of the times, and you can probably recall exactly when a song was made based on what is mentioned. The mentions of current fashion trends, technology, popular foods and celebrities are some of the most telling, and they eternalize key parts of our culture that might otherwise be forgotten. 

Furthermore, Artists is provides opportunities for language development of children through drawing and coloring, children are naturally curious. From the minute they gain control of their limbs, they work to put themselves out into the world to see how it all works. They explore, observe and imitate, trying to figure out how things operate and how to control themselves and their environments. This unrestricted exploration helps children form connections in their brain, it helps them learn and it’s also fun. Art is a natural activity to support this free play in children. The freedom to manipulate different materials in an organic and unstructured way allows for exploration and experimentation. These artistic endeavors and self-directed explorations are not only fun, but educational as well. Art allows youth to practice a wide range of skills that are useful not only for life, but also for learning. All kinds of art can affect our mood in a positive way, making us feel happier, calmer, or even inspired to do something. Everywhere you go art is evident. Parks often use sculptures to add interest and to inform people. 

In addition, Music can improve confidence and resilience, a digital age where many services and products are instantly available with the click of a button, learning a musical instrument provides a platform for people to achieve through discipline and perseverance. There are many skills required in order to learn how to play a musical instrument like technique; reading music; expression; listening; and as you continue to perfect these skills, you build resilience. Similarly, as a member of an ensemble you will develop strong teamwork and leadership skills, and a real sense of achievement and pride when performing difficult passages of music, all of which come together to build confidence. These are not only skills required to learn music but important life skills that can also be used in employment and your wider social life.

 To summarize, musicians and artists are for the soul. We cannot live without music because it helps us a lot from our mood and stress so musicians and artists can provide us with too much inspiration to develop our experience and our society. In my opinion, music can raise everyone's mood, get them excited and make them calm and relax .

Thursday, October 15, 2020

5 Points that make you develop faster

 Self-improvement is an indispensable act that human beings cannot lack, and not just in school or university. People need to develop their body and mind to sing against a thief, because if the body is weak it is prone to disease and can also make the mind restless and a hindrance to work also. Self-reliance is a necessary factor for people who aspire to grow and we can only be self-reliant if we develop well in advance. You can develop yourself only if you know in advance what qualities we have a good or bad? What health you have? So that you can change and build yourself up.

1)      AIM

Before you set any goals, you must first think about whether in the future you can lead your lives to the foal with your own knowledge and ability but you should not intentionally deceive or not by fate. Having a clear purpose is really the beginning of self-development, because it gives us a clear idea of why we need to develop yourself. This goal is the answer that you want to be the strongest in your life and you will try your best to achieve that goal. The purpose for which we set it must be something that we can see clearly not obscure. You aren't just aiming to become something and you will not try to be a goal you can accept as long as we make it clear whether we want to be ministers? or serve in any ministry? or maybe start a business by seeing something? Because you set clear goals, it always helps you to develop yourself properly and can easily move towards that goal. The goal you choose to be your highest hope must be something you love and truly desire, and it can go unattainable but you should not hold back. If you think that you may have to spend your whole lives to get what you set out to do then you should still strive to develop yourself in the way you set out to suffer. Some can achieve their goals in 10 to 20 years, but others can achieve their goals from a young age, while others cannot achieve their goals as intended. However, they can get closer to the position they have failed in life more than they did not reach their destination, even if they could not get close.

Whether or not you achieve your goals depends on many factors, including:

-What extent are you really committed and trying to overcome obstacles?

-Do you have a chance?

-Have you developed yourself toward that goal?

-Do you have enough knowledge and ability?

2)      Hopefulness

People who have set their goal, hope on the land will have high morale according to that goal, hope they can endure the pain caused by wrong intentions and eventually they can fit. The purpose is like a compass that points to the direction of a person, like water or am ret, like the soul of life. People who lose hope you are the only one who is tired this type of person cannot live in peace. On the other hand, people who are not prone to despair show your commitment. Purpose is the highest hope your desire for something, no matter how small, is like hoping to marry someone you love. You hope to get promoted, you hope to have a home, Etc. Human hope is born positive and negative, hope in an immoral way, if you stop thinking, stop hoping and nothing is lost, but it is also good for you. Hope in a good way without harassing others is not immoral. If we despair easily due to one or two wrong intentions, it will reduce you mental and emotional strength, which in turn weakens our lives, makes your lives meaningless and makes us worthless. Determining hope is not difficult but the journey to hope, which is full of many obstacles is difficult to maintain hope until we achieve it. There may be the following ways:

~In the beginning you did not live up to your expectations. Hopefully, what you really desire is like a prayer.

~Think about whether your hopes are right or not. Be appropriate and do not be afraid.

~You have to train your mind, not imagination or independence.

~Keep in mind that obstacles, orders, and intentions are common. Once you have set your hope plans even if you have made many mistakes, don't hesitate, try to find new ways to overcome them.

3)      Self Defence

In self-defense, although we should not panic, we should remain calm because defeat is a moral part of the fight, losing and being able to stand up and fight again. Everyone faces obstacles in life or there are some opponents usually some have so many obstacles that they seem to be surrounded by rice or those who bite to attack. Some who are weak are afraid and trembling and that person can do something weak and not yet attack them or not want to think about whether there is a way to win more or less. In fact, obstacles are created by nature to test a person to see how strong they are. Those who agree to resign without any response can be considered as ignorant and lacking in qualities. This is a lack of self-defense so it is an advantage that everyone should have.

There are several ways to protect yourself with the following guidelines:

-There must be a plan that calls for wisdom and also uses wisdom, spirit and mind that don't follow.

-Being virtuous is a means of receiving or keeping from repaying evil which means overcoming evil b doing well.

-Can show strength, don't show weakness and hesitation, because in battle if one side shows weakness it will be equal and lose half.

-Must know how to create a defense system, and the best wife to protect is another concept of the immune system is to build the best deeds to promote morality.

4)      Knowledge

There are two kinds of knowledge: actual knowledge and worldly knowledge.

   As these two victories differ, the knowledge of the truth is the knowledge of the moral, the defeat of the half which is self-knowledge of the eyes, the professionalism. Is the knowledge born of the savings of scholars of the past is general knowledge related to various events. There are many ways to seek knowledge such as reading, listening, writing, conversation, observation, thinking, experimentation, experimentation, training, analysis and synthesis of life experiences and meditation practice.

5)      Observation

In other careless or negligent work, it may not be complete, playful, or end up with poor quality work. In the course of live more and more obstacles, you need to be more careful. if you are careless, you will be in danger. Preparation, vigilance is the best way to fight obstacles, readiness, Rome meets other to break down weaknesses, and those who think you want to overcome other have a hard time overcome them. But just a little bit of caution, we will become an exit immediately. So caution is like a door lock for safety or success.

In training to be alert, you can do the following:

-There needs to be as much training as possible to research what you lack.

-Must be able to use reason, must be able to think, observe and criticize

-Be prepared to avoid bad things happening.

-Don't try to escape the problems you have created or the mistakes

Friday, September 4, 2020

3 Rules of career choice...

 People who excel to become international always choose the right career with their innate abilities and talents. More important is what you love.

How to know if the career you choose is right?

Had one men honored by a bank's 300 senior executives under the theme '' Courage in Dreams''. In addition to what he said, he also gave the audience a chance to ask a good question, especially one who asked him how we would know about choosing the career that best suits us or how. How to choose the right career? He answer when the time is right, many people may wonder this question, including himself. He went through a lot of experience and read a lot of books related to psychology and other successful stories at the international level.

Choosing the right career makes us use out full potential, makes us good at things that are good at building, and keeps us focused on one point.

How To Choose A Career Path | Careers Portal

     A career that suits you as long as there are three factors:

1.     Career related to what you are interested in and love

You need to ask yourself, what is your natural talent? Ask yourself, if money is not a suffix, what can we do to be happier?

If you work for a job that you do not like, you will eventually get bored and hate the job, and you will run out of energy just to support yourself and your family, but you will not do what you love. Doing what you love and being successful, having people raise your fortune, and reaping the rewards of being able to feed your family well, is a real success.

2.     Learn to understand yourself until you become an expert

If you are very interested in any job, you will want to excel in the eyes, you will want to excel in the eyes, you will want more information and research, constantly practice to excel in tone, your brain will easily remember that if you are an expert in a field, even if you are not very interested in that field, you can still make more money than those who are not.

3.     Serve others

Both of these rules will be useless if the villagers have served others or improved their lives in some way. Just doing what you love and being in that position will not bring you back if you do not serve others. The more we serve others or the more people benefit from us, the more we will benefit from our services or goods

    Ask yourself this 2 questions until you find the answer

1/. How will we be rewarded for doing what we love?

2/. How will we provide services or goods to others in what you love?

#"Love what you do will motivate you to excel in that, have the energy to study and understand until you become an expert at regional or international level".

Monday, August 24, 2020

3 Points in family responsibilities and roles in the family.

 Do you know your role? Are you a parent, a child, or something in the family?

There are many roles in the family from young to old and different. Each role cannot be the same, as in a family, what does the head of the family have to do, such as earning money for the family, drinking or what?

To understand the responsibilities in the family and each role, we explain below.

3 Points in family responsibilities and roles in the family.

     Responsibility does not depend on anything, it is on our own minds that we think is good or bad. Think of work together to do, things that help, we must work together to do what we have do not assume that you are a parent or someone in the family you need to help each other.

Family Responsibilities In The Activity Section! | HealthNews24Seven

  1. (Father's) the responsibility of the father to make money at home, to be sure to be a strong person for the family, is not strong the whole family will not prosper and if the father does not care about the family, there will be quarrels in the face of poverty, making the neighbors think that his family is only negative. For the role of father is to provide happiness to the family, to live his wife and children will provide what the family needs.
  2. (Mother's) responsibilities are to organize the house, to take care of the kitchen, to cook, and to care for her husband's income and to manage the household items. The role of the mother is to give love to the children and the husband to take care of them.
  3. (Child's) responsibility is to be a good child, to listen to his parents and to be a child that parents can trust. Child role is to study hard, make an internship and make your parents proud of you as a child.

     In fact, to build a happy family, we must first look at what we have and think about whether you are capable of giving them happiness.

What are your responsibilities during your family life?

Do you think it is appropriate to do something in the family?

How will you start a family?

This is just a questions for readers to think about, if there is something that is not correct or lacking, please comment blow. 

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The importance of self-awareness...

It is the observation of emotions, reactions, attitudes, behaviors and thoughts, it is also an expression of honesty to oneself, what oneself needs.


All the people in the universe depend on social interactions, people who know themselves a lot, who are successful through building relationships with others, this success is due to their ability to know clearly. What they want, as well as the needs of other people. This clarity comes from knowing the abilities and challenges of other people in your society. Knowing yourself can also help promote intelligence. Mental intelligence helps us to understand and know the feelings of other people. This lack of skills can cause us to have conflicts with others. The best way to increase the idea of understanding your feelings is to learn to identify your own emotional words.


Self-awareness can be very important in finding ways to deal with the problems you face. Self-awareness is the ability to listen physically and mentally to know your natural response to all these changes. Help you and feel good when solving problems, you can also accept countries, suggestions and criticism from other people, find more solutions to solve your problems


What helps you to be a good leader is decision making. One of the most important qualities of a good leader is making quick decisions. Leaders should be impartial and confident. What we gain from knowledge, self-awareness and the removal of inner fear, and you can focus on the main goals you want.


Knowing yourself helps you focus more when you do something with confidence, which means they can make decisions easily without fear of being judged by others.

·  You can take a look at some of the points below to find out more about yourself:

-          Your own productivity

-          Your values

-          Your motivation

-          How you learn from something and from others

-          Your habits

-          Strengthen your abilities

-          Your personality

-          Your intelligence

-          Your confidence

-          Your resumption

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

How To Debate

We live in a world where we interact with others all the time. Debate is a formal way of communicating, it builds confidence and self-esteem debate is not an undisciplined shouting match and takes place between two teams of trust in a clear vision. The debate is rigid, with both groups arguing over topics that are consistent or contrary to what you believe.
Law of Debate
The debate consisted of two groups, the Positive group and the Negative group, in which three members. Decided the first the Positive groups to start the debate, and then the first member of the Negative group. This pattern was reserved for the second and third members of the group. Each of the spoken at a set time, with a bell to let them know how much time they had to speak. All debates have to start with the President, Ladies and Gentlemen, members who have an interesting opening speech that was so important.
Each member has the right to ask questions to the other group while they are speaking and those who are asked can object.
Next layout the debate is set up as shown below
STeP Structure of Debate - YouTube
Functions in Debate: 
Highlights in the debate
In the debate, the content is divided into 3 main parts:
-          Reasoning analysis: is the argument and evidence of a group's case and the preparation for rejection to the other party, it also includes the definition and interpretation of the subject matter.
-          A presentation: is how members present their arguments, it is how each member speaks, which includes eyes, open gestures speech and voice.
-          Structure: is the structure of the speaker's speech and the way in which the speech is embedded in the speech of another speaker.

Definition and interpretation of topics
The definition of a topic, including the first sentence or keywords of the topic, a clear interpretation of what is important for the whole debate. Definitions and interpretations of subject matter should be specified by the first member of the district group. Negative groups must agree or disagree with the definition of Positive group interpretation.
Setting up your debate: It's important that you want to be clear, concise, and easy to understand. Using examples, words, or similarities can help you emphasize complex words, an effective way to build or prepare our arguments arrange the first point to the last point. Lastly, people generally remember what was said last. In presenting and writing your argument, remember to explain what you want show let them know how big it is and why it is true with specific examples or islands, not just personal claims to support your case.
Presentation or speech: Everyone's personality and style when it comes to debate it is helpful to remember that ¸
1/. Use your eyes to look at the audience.
2/. Use your hands and body naturally to emphasize the point.
3/. Speak clearly.
4/. Do not speak too fast.
Debate is not a talk for you, there are no different people each group has an account, a project and a topic, defend the team's interpretation firmly and refuse to respond to another team (Except for the first speaker)
Working in groups and teams: View as single page

What is Public Speaking?

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

How to make public speaking better

Before interpreting the main points of public speaking we should first understand the definition of the word. Public speaking is usually a presentation that is broad cast live in front of an audience. Public speaking can cover a wide variety of topics.
How To Make A Good Presentation - 7 Tips From The Experts | Biteable

The important of public speaking: Speech has the power to inform, persuade, educate, and even entertain, and spoken words can be more powerful than written words. Whether you are a small business owner, a student, or someone with a passion for doing something you will benefit from public speaking such as:
-          Build self-confidence
-          Better research skills
-          Stronger speaking skills
-          Ability to advocate or debate for various causes
The fact is that public speaking is a skill you can learn to help you excel in public speaking. We look at these 4 combination.
1/. Effective speech writing
The first thing you want to do is write an orderly and interesting speech, because no matter how eloquent or cool you are, your speech will not have a live audience if you do not have episodes, far away and disorderly.
2/. Overcoming the fear of speaking
The fear of public speaking is quite common and can hinder you if you allow it. If you do not feel confident when giving a speech, your audience will not pay attention, making your presentation less effective.
3/. Perform a speech or practice speech
Even if you are not afraid to speak in important step to effective speaking. If you are in hurry, you may think that you should skip your speech practice to save time, but it is not a good idea to practice your speech not only to improve you public speaking skills but also increase awareness of what you need to say that makes your speech smooth.
4/. Providing public speaking
Now that you have written well, have confidence in public speaking, rehearse, are you ready to give a good speech, or are there some tricks you can use on the day of your speech to make it smoother! Remember that you are presenting in front of an audience in a specific place and time while you are speaking there should also be some common concerns for the audience, including:
-          Can the audience hear me clearly?
-          Does this place have the equipment I need?
-          Is there enough seating for all the audience?
So there are 3 types of public speaking
  1. To notify
  2. To persuade, encourage or take action
  3. To entertain
What is Debate?

Monday, July 20, 2020

Wonderful Idea (Einstein)...

     The answer to life is what most people, especially young people and younger generation, who are in the flexible age of finding the meaning of life need to live and we will know what we were born to do. As long as we follow our own dreams, we can meet all the needs of life. However, reaching the shores of one's dream isn't easy. But at the same time it isn't too difficult.

Psychology and Philosophy: How to shape the wonderful idea
"Many people who give up the obstacles in front of them are the source of the word impossible".
            This is the beginning of giving up on your dreams and following in the footsteps of others. So remember that the word impossible and cannot happen if we don't withdraw first.

            Some face small obstacles, just the first test lesson, while some face big obstacles, almost unable to see the dream trilogy, but as long as the mind remains strong, leads to the dream without giving up, as long as it will do. Let them overcome obstacles for sure.

            Some things can be a problem and a big obstacle for some people, but not a problem or obstacle for some people. It cannot stop us from reaching our dreams if we have "3H" to help motivate us all the time.

            ''3H'' comes from the word Head, Heart, Hand, the concept of Einstein, the world's greatest wonder. At one point he was asked what he needed to do to be successful in life. He replied. "If we humans had only the head, the heart, and the hand, the whole world would be in our hands.

            Now let's get to know the word ''H'' Head first. Here Einstein means to think differently to think differently and not care about criticism. This difference of opinion doesn't mean that cannot be done, it means that many different ideas that they used to do in the past or create old things to become. To another turning point, which is better and more practical, is also a story on the use of high-imagination, and is also the source of the phrase imagination is more important than Einstein world-famous knowledge.

            Mindfulness is the starting point for changing the world, you know the blind can't see what they need, they only know what they touch, and the ignorant have limitation of thinking only of the unknown.

            Of course, even if we are blind or have good eyesight and do not know anything or have all the knowledge, our imagination cannot be easily concealed. The decision to do or not to do is up to us. Leading ideas can't be easily prevented if the parties do not surrender.

            Inadequate fitness or invisibility, both of which aren't barriers to all forward thinking. People with disabilities may not be able to see what is around them, but their senses can also be used and can be better than good eyesight. Not everyone knows everything, on one knows everything not even the world's number one honorary doctorate graduate from one of the world's most prestigious colleges. The subjects he studied were not necessarily the same. The second letter ''H'' comes from the word Heart, which means having a strong heart is not easy to overcome obstacles, no matter how big. Listening to your heart and doing what you do now means you are halfway there. And the last letter ''H'' is Hand is follow the dream. Of course, if we have a good initiative it can make us design and create our own imaginative beautiful and unique. Hear the voice of the heart, Including the courage and resilience of the obstacles that lie ahead. But that imaginary image cannot come true without that practice or '' Hand '' Getting started is the most important process in the above useless, they are all equally important ".
True Knowledge Has No Limits…

Sunday, June 28, 2020

How to setting goals in the future.

I.  Key elements in goal setting

Writing specific goals can be easy. The hardest part to overcome is planning how to reach the goal and when you do that we need to focus on the specific goals and objective that are in line with your plan. However, the path you have to take is still subject to some adjustments, depending on the evolving resources, the situation at stake.

Setting Goals

The following are the elements that make it possible for you to plan your goals…

Elements of goals setting
-Is it achievable?
           -What would you do?
           -What will you do to reach your goals?
           -Does it fit your ability?
           -What will you do to stay committed to it?
           -Your resource?

Example: This year I will do my best to get an A.
Goal: This year I will do my best to get an A.

Is it achievable?
What will you do too reach the goals?
-Spend time and try to study.
-Study part time.
-Try to do exercises
Detailed steps and actions?
-Study with teacher and classmates.
-Make a schedule to allocate study time by subject.
Your resources?
-Need calculator to verify answers when doing homework or exercises
discussing with family

II. The key to successful goal setting

  1. Define what you truly love.
You must ask yourself what you love the must in your life. You should follow your heart because when you do what you love to do, you will never tire of doing it or you have no problems.
  1. Write down your goals clearly.
Once you have clearly written your goals, you will see them more clearly and they will appear, meaning that you have created something or more impact.
  1. Set a specific date for your goal.
Get specific dates on your goals: what month? What year? And what you want to achieve, the goal or decision, without a clear choice, is like having no impetus or urgency to achieve the goal, and it is neither realistic at the beginning nor at the end.
  1. Set a list of activities out of your mind or a good way to succeed.
Sometimes when you are traveling, reading a book, and you inspire a good idea, come up with a list of your activities and try to do what you have written. Plus, that list gives you a glimpse of the big picture from your destination, and it's tailored to what your plan wants.
  1. Make a list of those activities to plan.
Make a list of activities, taking priority, and sequentially, taking a few minutes to decide which ones to follow, and which one next. With coding that will clearly plan your activities, yes! you will be more motivated to do the job than you would without a clear goal.
  1. Start acting immediately.
You won't get everything if you have on action, Acting is the path to your goal. When you do the action you with encounter some problems, then you have a way to find strategies. To cultivate without changing the direction of your purpose.

III.  Barriers to goal setting

In setting goals, you with encounter some of the following'…
-          Abandonment persists in the face of obstacles during the course of action.
-          Can't achieve it because of setting too many goals.
-          Target time does not look at resources causing performance problems.
-          Not to value failure to learn it in later goals.
-          The goals set are negative.
-          Lack of encouragement or support in the face of obstacles.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Understanding stress, depression, anxiety, and self-care...

®    What is stress?
Stress is a feeling of being over whelmed, worrying about tasks or stressing about a situation. Stress can occur when you do exercises or exams it can motivate us to complete tasks faster, but it can affect us as well as our attitude and lifestyle if you have too much stress.
10 New Strategies for Stress Management | Psychology Today
  • Signs of stress or stress can include increased heart rate ( raped heartbeat ), difficulty breathing and Sweating.
®    What is a depression sign?
Everyone has experienced and experienced sadness and disappointment, but depression comes when those feelings are overwhelming and persistent.
*      Symptoms of depression include
-          Feeling sad everyday
-          Losing interest in happy activities
-          Difficulty sleeping or excessive sleep
-          Fatigue or loss of energy
-          Have thoughts of suicide or feel that life is worthless
-          Difficult to make decisions
-          Change eating preferences ( eat more or not at all )
Many of stressful events can be the cause of depression, but there are other factors, such as family history, social factors, psychological factors and psychological abilities that can cause depression.